In early 2019, the residents of Coto de Caza Village received a flier from CGV Coto, LLC (“CGV”) asking for our interest to turn the extremely dilapidated buildings and old tennis college behind Coto Valley Country Club (“CVCC”) into a high-density senior housing facility known as the “Legacy Club.” CGV held four public comment meetings for residents to learn about and express their interest for or against the proposed development. At these meetings, Julie Beeman, The Legacy Club’s Community Liaison, stated that if the majority of the community were opposed to the project, CGV would walk away. Following the four informational meetings, CGV mailed another flier to our community in February 2019. CGV was offering the Village compensation and incentives if the project was allowed to move forward. They also included a “Coto Village Community Survey” requesting our stance as to our favor or opposed of the project. A group of Village residents began to collect emails and signatures to submit to CGV to show our “majority opposition” however, due to privacy concerns, the names in opposition were never submitted.
In May 2019 CGV performed a traffic study.
Since January, the Village residents had been requesting our HOA Board to outwardly communicate the community’s stance. However, the Board has a fiduciary responsibility to represent the Community without a biased or personal agenda. Accordingly, until a Board-sanctioned survey was performed, the Board was unable to take a public stance on the proposal. In October, the Board issued an official survey in order to have a tangible response from the community as it relates to The Legacy Club proposal. The Survey was written by, and under direction of, the HOA’s attorney, who stressed that the survey should be written in an unbiased fashion — neither for or against Legacy Club. The Board worked for several months under the attorney’s direction to facilitate this guidance.
On October 29, 2019, The Village neighbors held an informational meeting to discuss Legacy Club and the Board’s survey. There were roughly 100 residents in attendance. By a show of hands, more than 80% of those in attendance agreed that the circulated survey was confusing at best. Save Coto Village was born. Following the meeting, we prepared a letter to Crummack Huseby (The Village’s HOA Management company) requesting clarification on the survey. Additionally, in an effort to voice community opposition to The Legacy Club, we proposed organizing a citizen-based letter writing campaign. If we don’t stand up and give our community a voice, no one else will.
On November 4, 2019, Crummack Huseby responded to our email stating that the issue will be added to the agenda at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting on Monday, November 18, 2019. The agenda item will be discussed during the Board’s General Session.
On November 6, 2019, a County representative updated the Coto de Caza Planning Advisory Committee (CPAC) that CVP “plans to file a planning application to build on the Community Recreation property REGARDLESS of a Village CC&R vote to change the CC&R’s to allow the project. According to the County, this would force the Village to sue the developer.” If you oppose high-density residential development in a commercial recreational zoned property, please help us voice our opposition. We are working on “next steps” to create a community space here but we need Legacy to walk away first.