HOA Board Opposition Letter

HOA Board Opposition Letter:

ACTION: Informational

The Village HOA Board held its December meeting on December 12th. An update on Legacy was on the agenda scheduled to be discussed during General Session – The Board is working with our attorney to draft a comment letter to Legacy based on the results of the HOA survey circulated in October. Thus far, the Board has received 46% of the HOA surveys back, of which 85% are in opposition. The Board is working on submitting a letter to CGV on behalf of the community’s response- This letter will also be circulated to the HOA Members to allow for full transparency.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Terri Taylor

    I participate in the recent letter writing campaign and sent to all on the mailing list that was provided. I received one written response from Doug Chaffee. He thanked me or bringing this concern to his attention. He also pointed out that his office represent the northern district of Orange County. He encouraged me to contact Chairwoman Lisa Bartlett of the 5th Disstrict with any further question and/or concerns. Should he continue to be sent correspondence in the future? if yes, what is the rationale for keeping him on the mailing list.

    I am also happy to hear that emailing is just as effective, as mailing is more time consuming, but I am happy to continue to do so.

    1. scvAdmin

      Thank you for your comment – in an effort to be as efficient as possible, we are going to strive for a digital letter writing campaign. At this time, we are going to submit our comments to Legacy, Lisa Bartlett and OCPW. We originally thought we should send it to all 5 District members, but don’t think that’s necessary at this moment.

  2. Patrick McClure

    We don’t live in the Village but we’re in the Terraces development overlooking the golf course. This development would destroy our neighborhood, wreck one of our best daily walks and flood our community with unwanted visitors. Who comes up with these zany ideas?
    A few years back, we threw out a proposal to locate an entire school within the gates of Coto by near-unanimous support. This proposal is even WORSE! We are emphatically and completely against the idea.

    1. James Jackson

      It’s always good to get everyone’s input to proposed developments and encourage participation in the process. Suggesting alternatives and/or modifications to proposed developments is also good. The current commercial tennis facility is underutilized and in poor repair. Any new plan needs to consider the costs (both near term and ongoing).

  3. Pat hagmann

    I am against the proposal! We live here because of the environment offered! More traffic visitors would have a negative reaction!

    1. James Jackson

      Always good to get input from all interested parties. If you haven’t taken a look, one of the numerous impact plans includes traffic projections. Keep in mind that due to the COVID-19 situation, the traffic pattern has changed (reduced) and is likely to be less than what is proposed in the study. This is due to many people who have quit working, and those employers who offered extended work-from-home or hybrid working environments that result in less of the daily commute to an office building type of pattern. The traffic study includes proposed traffic by residents, compared among several models including comparison with like-minded developments elsewhere.

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