How should we respond to the NOP?

Many have asked how we should respond to the county’s NOP (Notice of Preperation) and what points need to conveyed?

Submitting individual comments in response to the NOP is not as critical from a “big picture” perspective. In this NOP phase, the public can suggest impacts, mitigation measures, and project alternatives that “should be” studied and addressed in the DEIR. Then, the next phase will be the Draft EIR (the “DEIR”). This is where we will have another opportunity for the public to voice comments and raise issues with the DEIR that has been submitted to the county. 

So, in the intermediate NOP phase, one suggestion would be that you take the comments submitted in response to the MND and reframe them as matters or issues that “should be” addressed in the DEIR. Then re-submit those to the county. 

When the DEIR is made available to the public, we will all get another opportunity to comment on whether the county did an adequate job of identifying and analyzing all of the significant environmental impacts, feasible mitigation measures, and reasonable project alternatives associated with the Legacy project.

The public review and comment period of 45 days for this NOP phase ends at 4:00 PM Pacific Standard Time on Friday January 29, 2021.

Please remember to report any Legacy activity to If you are able to send photos showing the activity and companies performing it that would be VERY helpful. We need your eyes as well as your voice.

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